I am writing today because of a very special birthday. Today is Luis Ambert Senior's Birthday who is 70 today. Because of Luis Ambert and his Wife Norma Ambert brought Simply Organic Soaps alive. We were called Ambert Creation under Ambert Farm LLC prior to our new website name. We started a farm with just Chickens. After that we brought in a variety of different birds from Quails, Turkeys, Pekin Ducks, and Pheasants. We then expanded into Blue Tilapia, Shrimp, and Crayfish. Besides livestock, we also expanded into organic vegetable and fruit farming. We were doing very well until we had a bad storm in South Carolina that destroyed everything we were growing in 5 minutes during the last winter storm.
We decided to create something safer inside making organic soaps and candles out of our family room. We figure it is safer providing everything we offer to everyone at a low cost with no overhead. We expanded our new collections to fashion accessories and makeup. Both Luis and Norma supported our new store with creative ideas and passion for people.
When Norma Ambert was diagnosed with cancer, Luis Ambert stood by her side to the very end and knowing that he did everything for his loving wife to keep her beautiful smile going through the tears and fears. Luis Ambert is still here today supporting Norma Ambert's passion and love for our business and vow to keep the creative ideas going with us as a family.
I want to wish a very special Happy Birthday to Luis Ambert not because today is his Birthday but how special and true he is.